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Gelü Story

Once upon a time, in a town full of peaches and snow called Grand Junction, CO, Gelu Italian Ice came to life in January 2013. Armed with cherished recipes passed down through generations, a single-batch freezer, and two pushcarts, Gelu ventured into the market, capturing the hearts of the locals through the magic of taste. Our story began with a marketing plan crafted on the generosity of free samples — so popular that our employees were nearly trampled in the frenzy!


As the years danced on, one batch freezer multiplied into two, and production pirouetted at a dazzling pace! The two little green carts multiplied to six, and with twice as many employees in the mix, Gelu seemed to sprinkle its enchantment everywhere. Yet, this was not enough for the Gelunatics, who yearned for more of our magical concoctions.


In the summer of 2015, Gelu blossomed again as “The Shack” opened its doors. Boasting over 20 Italian ice flavors, The Shack became the town's sweet sanctuary. Locals could now indulge in their daily dose of dairy-free perfection. The love was so sweet that they crowned Gelu the BEST in The Dessert Election for four consecutive years.

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